City of Flagstaff
COF Password Reset
In this document we will be going over the method of resetting your city domain password (for logging into computers on the domain, your city email, as well as other applications that utilize these credentials.
Password Requirements
a. Your password will need to match the following requirements:
i. 12 characters, including
1. 1 uppercase
2. 1 lowercase
3. 1 special character, such as &, %, $, #, @, !
4. 1 number
5. Cannot include your first or last name
6. Cannot include your username
ii. Password has not been used in the last 4 changes
iii. Password will expire every 180 days
Password Change
This process is meant to serve those who have their passwords expired, or expiring, or requested a password change through Help Desk. This method requires that you know your existing password to set a new password.
1. Login to your computer
2. Press these three keys on the keyboard at the same time, Ctrl Alt Delete
a. If you are using Remote Desktop, use Ctrl Alt End instead
3. Click on “change a password”
4. Your username should be populated automatically, if not type “COF\” then your username
5. Enter your current password, new password, and confirm your new password
6. That’s it, your new password is set.
Password Reset
This process is meant to serve anyone who has had their account locked, for whatever reason. You will be able to reset your password, without knowing your existing password, to a new password. This requires a secondary method of verifying your identity to be present, such as a personal email, phone, text message (SMS), etc. These methods are setup below:
Setting up recovery options:
Before the option to reset your password is available, it is critical that you set up your account recovery phone/recovery email/security questions.
1. You will also be prompted with this setup screen each time you login to until you finish setup
a. You can also navigate to to complete this setup beforehand, or if for some reason you are not prompted to do so.
2. Log in with your city credentials
3. If you see a window like this one, select “Next”.
4. The next screen will look like this:
5. You will need to select “Set it up now” for the different methods towards account recovery. You only need to set up one of them, but we recommend setting up more than one.
6. Once these are set up you will be able to reset your password through the self-service password reset portal.
How to reset your city domain password:
1. Open your browser and navigate to (it will redirect you to the site in the image below).
2. Enter in your city email address and the necessary text to verify the captcha, then select “Next”.
3. Then select the method in which you can verify your identity and select the blue action button (call/text/email).
4. You will then need to enter the code given/approve on phone. You will also need to repeat this process for a second time with a different method to finish verifying your identity.
5. Then you can enter a new password and confirm
6. That’s it, your new password is set.