Regular Distribution Groups
Use these steps if IT has created the group for you. If you have created the group through SharePoint or Teams, then the steps will not work for you. Please scroll to the second section of this document for those steps
- Go to this site:
- You will two sections, "Groups I belong to" and "Groups I own". Click on Groups I own.
- Click on the name of the group you want to edit. Be sure to click on the name itself and not the empty circle as this will not show the options to edit the group.
- If you clicked on the name of the group, you should now see options appear on the right side of the page.
- If you click on "Members", you will see the Owners and Members of the group. To add or remove an Owner or Member, click on "View all and manage [...]" to whichever type of user you want to edit. *Note: There must always be at least one owner in the group.
- To add an Owner or Member, click on "Add members", search for the user's name in the search box, press Enter, select the user, click "Add".
- To remove a user from the group, click on the user then click "Delete", then click "Yes" on the pop up.
Teams or SharePoint Group Management
These types of groups are created whenever a new Teams or SharePoint site is created. If you are the owner of one of these groups, then you can manage the membership using the instructions below. These steps will not work for other types of groups.
Adding Members to the Group
1. Log into>Open Outlook>In the Mail area of Outlook at the bottom of the left side menu>Expand Groups
2. Click on the link Manage groups
3. Highlight the applicable group and click on the Manage group members link in the details of the group.
4. Click on Add members and then search for the appropriate person and click Add.
5. To remove an existing member from the group click the X next to their name.